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Default landing pages.


Ensure that Node.JS is installed. If not, you can download it here.

Ensure that Git is installed.

Preparing the dev environment

Clone the repository and enter the directory.

git clone
cd splash

Install all dependencies for this project.

npm i

Build the development documentations [1]

npm run docs:dev

Run the server to generate the initial data.

npm run start

Configure server port in server.port and dummy projects in projects in data/config.json. Terminate the server by pressing Ctrl + C. Start the server again to reload the configuration.

Contributing changes

Submit changes through pull requests. Tag pull requests appropriately. Be sure to describe your changes and the reasoning behind them on your pull request. Do NOT bump your pull requests. Doing so will only further delay the process. Once approved, standby to further assist the merging process. Contributors with direct access to the repository may release changes, upon approval by the owner, by following the release guide bellow.

Packaging for release

Make sure all changes are committed, pushed to origin, and approved for release.

Build default pages.

npm run pages:build

Build the public documentations [1]

npm run docs:build

Manually delete the following files and directories (ensure you store a backup if you intend on using the same dev workspace):


Package up the remaining files and directories.

Workflow Updates

  1. JSDoc has been removed from this project's workflow while we wait for a release that addresses security vulnurabilities (CVE-2021-23358). A pull request exists.